Malaria Symbol With English
The 1962 United Nations "World United Against Malaria" Stamp Campaign
Stamp Club
For Sale
Malaria Symbol With French
Select Country/Issue

Argentina - Scott 737

Regular Issues
Scott 737

Varieties & Errors
Scott 737
((w/ '2' variety)
'2' variety
Scott 737
((w/ 'Conira' variety)
'Conira' variety
Scott 737
((w/ 'Fly' freak)
'Fly' freak

Scott 737
(w/ Double Horizontal Perforations)

First Day Covers
Scott 737 (FDC w/ an Image of the Stamp (La Plata Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Velvet (Cordoba Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (w/ 3 stamps) (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (Block of 4) (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito & Swamp (Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Colored) (Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Buenos Aries Cancellation)(Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Cordoba Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (Jujuy Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (San Luis Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Large Mosquito (SantaFe Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red/Black)
(Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (Block of 4) (FDC w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red/Black)
(Buenos Aries Cancellation) (Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red/Black)
(Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red/Black)
(Cordoba Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red/Black)
(San Luis Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Malaria Symbol (Buenas Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Malaria Symbol (Rio Cuarto Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Mosquito (Buenos Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Mosquito (Buenos Aries Cancellation) (Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ 'Centro Filatelico' (Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ Grand Astoria Envelope (Cordoba Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC on Airmail Envelope (Buenos Aries Cancellation)(Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ No Cachet (Buenos Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ (Commercial Use)(Neuquen Cancellation)
Scott 737 (FDC w/ No Cachet Buenas Aries Cancel (5 stamps))
Scott 737 (FDC w/ No Cachet Buenas Aries Cancel (6 stamps))

First Day Covers/Cards (Horizontal Format)
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Bahia Blanca Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (La Plata Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Mendoza Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Parana Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Resistencia Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Rio Cuatro Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Rosario Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (San Luis Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito (Santa Fe Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red) (San Luis Cancellation))

First Day Covers/Cards (Vertical Format)
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito
(Buenas Aries - Horn Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito
(Buenas Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito
(Colored) (Buenas Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito
(Cordoba Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito
(Mendoza Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Large Mosquito
(San Luis Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Telecomunnications
(Buenas Aries Cancellation))
Scott 737 (FDC (Card) w/ Mosquito/Flag (Red/Black)
(Buenas Aries Cancellation))

Special Communications Pamphet
Scott 737 ((Pamphlet from Secretary of Communications)
(w/ Buenos Aries Cancellation )(Front))
Scott 737 ((Pamphlet from Secretary of Communications)
(w/ Mar Del Plata Cancellation )(Front))
Scott 737 ((Pamphlet from Secretary of Communications)
(w/ Buenos Aries Cancellation)(Back))

Maximum Cards
Scott 737 (Maximum Card w/ First Day Cancel)

Special Events
Scott 737 (On Cover w/ Space Cancellation w/ Apollo Spaceship Cachet)
Scott 737 (United Nations Week - Cancelled Oct 24, 1962)

On Cover
Scott 737 (On Cover (California))
Scott 737 (On Cover (Mass))
Scott 737 (On Cover ())

Black Line

Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems with the web site or if you have questions about my collection or if you have malaria material you want to sell.

Copyright Larry Fillion ( - 2001-2012 - All Rights Reserved