Malaria Symbol With English
The 1962 United Nations "World United Against Malaria" Stamp Campaign
Stamp Club
For Sale
Malaria Symbol With French
Select Country/Issue

Lundy - Newman 140-145

Regular Issues (Newman Catalog 140-145)

First day Cancellations

Imperf Blocks of 4 (Proofs)

Newman 145
Mosquito on Back

All 6 issued stamps have the 'Wandering' perforation in the 2nd row (Top Pane of 25) or the 3rd row (Bottom Pane of 25)
The "Wandering" perforation is in the 2rd row (Top Pane of 25)
The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row (Bottom Pane of 25)

Closeup of 'Wandering' Perforation
The "Wandering" perforation is in the 2rd row
The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row

Full Panes (Top and Bottom) w/ 'Wandering' Perforation
Newman 140 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row
Newman 141 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row
Newman 142 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 2nd row
Newman 142 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row
Newman 143 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 2nd row
Newman 144 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 2nd row
Newman 144 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row
Newman 145 - 'The "Wandering" perforation is in the 3rd row

Sample Cancellations
140-145 (On Paper Cancelled with 'Sample' Cancellation Dated 14FEB1962)

Unique First Day Covers Signed By Gade
140-145 Imperf Proofs (FDC with signature of Gade - Postmaster General - Unique)
140-145 (FDC with signature of Gade - Postmaster General - Unique)

First Day Covers
140-145 (FDC w/ Mosquito & Green Lighthouse (Front))
140-145 (FDC w/ Mosquito & Green Lighthouse (Back))
140-145 (FDC (Addressed to Manly (A Lundy Stamp Designer) (Front))
140-145 (FDC (Addressed to Manly (A Lundy Stamp Designer) (Back))

Philatelic Covers
140-142 (Philatelic Cover (Addressed to Group Captain Gordon))
143-145 (Philatelic Cover (Addressed to Group Captain Gordon))
140-145 (Philatelic Cover (Signed By Postmaster General) (Back))

Commercial Covers - Inbound
Newman 141 On Cover - Front
From: Antwerpen, Belgium
Date: May 2nd, 1962)
Cancelled in Lundy (metal canceller) on May 5th, 1962
Newman 141 On Cover - Back
From: Antwerpen, Belgium
Date: May 2nd, 1962)
Cancelled in Lundy (metal canceller) on May 5th, 1962
Newman 141 (On Cover To Lundy, from England, November 11, 1970 (Front))
Newman 141 (On Cover To Lundy, from England, November 11, 1970 (Back))

Commercial Covers - Outbound
Newman 141,142,144 (On Cover Sweden, Sent through Ilfracombe, June 2nd, 1972
'Newman 141 (On Cover To Romford, May 11, 1962) (Through Bideford) (Front))
Newman 141 (On Cover To Romford, May 11, 1962) (Through Bideford) (Back))
Newman 141 (On Cover To Romford, May 3, 1962) (Through Bideford) (Front))
Newman 141 (On Cover To Romford, May 3, 1962) (Through Bideford) (Back))
Newman 141 (On Cover To London, February 28, 1972) (Through Ilfracombe) (Front))
Newman 141 (On Cover To London, February 28, 1972) (Through Ilfracombe) (Back))

Black Line

Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems with the web site or if you have questions about my collection or if you have malaria material you want to sell.

Copyright Larry Fillion ( - 2001-2012 - All Rights Reserved