Full Malaria Exhibit Sold On Delcampe

(Published: September, 2007, Volume 7, Number 2, Issue #23) (Table Of Contents)
(Author: Larry Fillion)

In mid July, 2007, there was a Anti-Malaria thematic exhibit being sold on Delcampe. The exhibit was broken up and sold by the page. There were 106 pages in total and so there were 106 auctions in total. I won 20+ of the pages. The seller gave me permission to download all of the images and to put them on the MPI site. Please see the entire set of pages that were for sale setup as an Online-Exhibit. The pages are not in order as they are not numbered. The seller also sent me a few extra pages from the exhibit and also included a drawing that the exhibitor had drawn and is shown below:

Image Of Stamp